Supporting Nottinghamshire

Centre Visit

Thank you for your interest in our educational visits here at Radcliffe Animal Centre.

We use our education suite and facilities around the site to provide you with an enjoyable and fun set of animal welfare learning activities.

If you would like to come and visit us at the Centre then please request your selected date using the request form below.

Please remember that visits take place between 1st March and 30th September on Thursdays .

You can visit either in the morning (10:30 – 11:30) or in the afternoon (1:30 – 2:30)  and these typically last for an hour.

Fill in our request form using the button below:

Request a  Visit

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Before your visit

We ask that you set up a ‘Donation Station’ a couple of weeks before your visit and encourage people to donate items that are useful for our animals here at the Centre.

Donations of towels, blankets, toys and food; are always gratefully received for our dogs, cats and rabbits. Our dogs and cats seem to have firm favourites in what they like to eat too, our dogs enjoy Winalot, Butchers and Pedigree whilst our cats think Whiskas and Felix is purrfect.

Please note we are unable to accept duvets, pillows or cushions.

If you need help in transporting your donations to the Centre then please get in touch with us.

If you prefer, you can use our Amazon wishlists and have the donation sent directly to us.

Don’t forget to write a note so we know who sent the donation.

Amazon Wishlists 

During your visit

We start the session off in our education room where we will have our animal welfare activities available for you to take part in.

We will also be able to visit the cattery and rabbit areas when you are here.

However, it may not be possible to meet the animals close up.

After your visit

We hope that you enjoyed your visit to us and that you remember some of the things that you learned about caring for your pet.

Please tell all your friends and family that you know how to look after your pet properly.

You can also let them know what they should do to look after their pets.

Tell everybody about Kindness, Care and Compassion to all living things. 

Animal Silhouettes

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